The Loose Canons with Carla Ulbrich

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  • Troubadour Acoustic Concert Series presents The Loose Canons with Carla Ulbrich

    Perhaps the very name of The Loose Canons will give you some insight to their approach to music. This 11-member choral group sings intricate vocal arrangements of folk songs, do wop, classical favorites as well as audience participatory pieces. But they specialize in parodies, satire, novelty songs, and other bits of musical tomfoolery.

    Carla Ulbrich is a comical singer-songwriter and guitarist with a rapier wit and a keen observational eye for the absurdities of everyday living. With a love of wordplay and some pretty fancy guitar chops, she creates songs on topics as diverse as wedgies, Waffle House, Klingons, and how rich she would be if she had the copyright on the ‘F’ Word. She is a longtime favorite on the Dr. Demento show, and puts on an utterly hilarious live show.

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The Loose Canons with Carla Ulbrich

Troubadour Acoustic Concert Series presents The Loose Canons with Carla Ulbrich

Perhaps the very name of The Loose Canons will give you some insight to their approach to music. This 11-member choral group sings intricate vocal arrangements of folk songs, do wop, classical favorites as well as audience participatory pieces. But they specialize in parodies, satire, novelty songs, and other bits of musical tomfoolery.

Carla Ulbrich is a comical singer-songwriter and guitarist with a rapier wit and a keen observational eye for the absurdities of everyday living. With a love of wordplay and some pretty fancy guitar chops, she creates songs on topics as diverse as wedgies, Waffle House, Klingons, and how rich she would be if she had the copyright on the ‘F’ Word. She is a longtime favorite on the Dr. Demento show, and puts on an utterly hilarious live show.

Upcoming Events

FP Streaming Tuesdays presents Miles and Mafale

2024-05-07 23:00:20

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The Folk Project Open Stage

2024-05-10 23:30:20

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FP Streaming Tuesdays presents Glen Roethel

2024-05-14 23:00:20

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Live Event Broadcast Ended

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